Saturday, April 15, 2006

Writing block

I don’t know if you’ve ever faced a writing block. Hell, I can’t even call it a writers block when it comes to me; I’m not a real writer yet. Notice how careful I am to say, Writing Block. I choose my words with tenderness, I pick them out from the archives of memory and imaginary otherworlds. I use the ends of my brain like chopsticks, left and right, slithering around for material tucked away in those archives. Sometimes I encounter strange new thoughts, God-knows-how-they-found-their-way-here kind of thoughts. Sometimes I am original, a positive new genius, shooting like a ball from a cannon’s mouth, straight into the arms of the Almighty Booker. And sometimes. I encounter Nothingness. The nadir of the mind, a temporary descent into zero.


DreamClicks said...

Ah, if this carefully well-written post is all about writing block, then I guess I can never encounter one with my random writing!

Do u take time to choose the words or does it just flow outta ur mind?! *neat*

apu said...

DV, I am not too much of a spontaneous writer, unlike you!

In your case, probably, a little bit of polish will really hone your writing, in mine, I probably need to go the other way....

daydreamer said...

was this creative post really about ``writing block''? hardly, i would say. very well written post.

apu said...

Thanks, Roli! (I have a dog by that name, btw :-))

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